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[Other resource20074151782521

Description: < 绿林卫士>>是作者在97年,临近大学毕业的时候开发的,当时国内盛行红警,游戏开发行业才刚刚开始。虽然本游戏在98年初参加ENIX全球大赛获优胜奖,但很多设计思想还不成熟。不过对于想入门入门开发游戏的程序爱好者来说这是个不错的参考。 本游戏利用了当时刚推出的DirectX 2D和DirectSound技术。 由于动画太大,程序略去了Avi文件,请启动程序后按ESc键进入菜单。
Platform: | Size: 7556522 | Author: 洋溢 | Hits:

[Windows MobileDonuts2

Description: Windows Mobile 6 DirectX 2D源码
Platform: | Size: 1552166 | Author: hemin | Hits:

[Other GamescHitChecker

Description: 是一个检测飞船与陨石碰撞的程序,让你了解一般2D游戏DirectX的开发过程。-detection spacecraft is a meteorite collision with the procedures, let you know the general game 2 D DirectX development process.
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 自治州 | Hits:

[Windows MobileDonuts2

Description: Windows Mobile 6 DirectX 2D源码-Windows Mobile 6 DirectX 2D source
Platform: | Size: 1552384 | Author: hemin | Hits:


Description: DirectX 2d 遊戲源碼 含各種特校引勤-DirectX 2d game source code containing a variety of special school primers ground
Platform: | Size: 736256 | Author: daniel | Hits:

[Other Games2Dgame

Description: < 绿林卫士>>是作者在97年,临近大学毕业的时候开发的,当时国内盛行红警,游戏开发行业才刚刚开始。虽然本游戏在98年初参加ENIX全球大赛获优胜奖,但很多设计思想还不成熟。不过对于想入门入门开发游戏的程序爱好者来说这是个不错的参考。 本游戏利用了当时刚推出的DirectX 2D和DirectSound技术。 由于动画太大,程序略去了Avi文件,请启动程序后按ESc键进入菜单。-<Greenwood defender>> is a writer in 97 years, when graduating from college near the development, when the prevalence of domestic红警, game development industry has just begun. Although the game early in the 98 to participate in the Global Competition by Enix prize, but many are not yet ripe for design ideas. But like the development of entry-entry procedures for the game lovers, this is a good reference. The game made use of then newly introduced technology DirectX 2D and DirectSound. As a result of too much animation, the program omits the Avi file, please start the process by the ESC key to enter the menu.
Platform: | Size: 7220224 | Author: cbsquan | Hits:


Description: DirectX 2D\3D学习必备,是以前本人学习DirectX收集的Directx7 directx8 directx8.1的库文件和查询手册,好东西哦,后两个查询手册是英文的,英文的也要学着看啊,对自己编程和学习是有好处的!-DirectX 2D D essential learning is before I learn DirectX collected Directx7 directx8 directx8.1 the library file and query manuals, good things Oh, the latter two inquiries manuals are in English, the English should learn to look forward to ah, right themselves programming and learning is good!
Platform: | Size: 34655232 | Author: heheiscool | Hits:


Description: DirectX学习范例: 2D RPG类游戏编程学习-DirectX learning example: 2D RPG game programming learning
Platform: | Size: 716800 | Author: 好好学习 | Hits:


Description: 调用ID3DXSprite来实现DirectX 9绘制2D动画,VC6下开发,完整工程文件。-Call ID3DXSprite to achieve DirectX 9 rendering 2D animation, VC6 to develop, complete engineering documents.
Platform: | Size: 669696 | Author: 胡进 | Hits:


Description: directx 2d example and direct sound
Platform: | Size: 3303424 | Author: jino | Hits:

[Game EngineProject_impactX_v1.1

Description: impactX Game 2D Engine 世界上最容易上手的DirectX 2D游戏引擎-impactX Game 2D Engine the most easy-to-use DirectX 2D game engine in the world
Platform: | Size: 1488896 | Author: Xiaofei | Hits:


Description: DirectX 2D字体显示代码,完整过程演示,易学-DirectX 2D font code, complete the process of demonstration, easy to learn
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 王少江 | Hits:

[Other GamesDirectX92D-ID3DXSprite

Description: DirectX 9 2D图形的使用--ID3DXSprite 贴片
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: sygoodboy | Hits:


Description: directX特效源代码,很酷,本人收藏很久,比如2D水效果,火效果退色效果,过渡效果,渐变效果等,非常值得一看-directX effects source code, cool, I have collection for a long time, such as 2D water effects, fire effects fade effects, transition effects, transition effects, etc., are worth a visit
Platform: | Size: 4080640 | Author: 陈正光 | Hits:


Description: demo game 2d Boom with Directx 9.0
Platform: | Size: 2585600 | Author: butin | Hits:

[Shot GameBreakOut

Description: Demo game breakOut 2D using directx 9.0
Platform: | Size: 5783552 | Author: butin | Hits:

[Windows DevelopBeginning-DirectX-10-Game-Programming

Description: Discover the exciting world of game programming and 3D graphics creation using DirectX 10! "Beginning DirectX® 10 Game Progmramming" is an introductory guide to creating fantastic graphics, amazing creatures, and realistic worlds for games. Written specifically for the beginner programmer, the book uses step-by-step instructions to teach the basics of DirectX 10, introducing skills that can be applied to creating games for both PC and game console platforms. You ll start by learning how to install the DirectX SDK and how to get your first application up and running. From there you ll be introduced to the 2D and 3D graphics components of DirectX allowing you to draw animated sprites and create 3D objects. Put your new skills to the test with a final, hands-on project that shows how to bring together everything you ve learned. If you have a basic knowledge of C++ and 3D math concepts then you are ready to learn how to program amazing 3D game graphics with "Beginning DirectX 10!"-Discover the exciting world of game programming and 3D graphics creation using DirectX 10! "Beginning DirectX® 10 Game Progmramming" is an introductory guide to creating fantastic graphics, amazing creatures, and realistic worlds for games. Written specifically for the beginner programmer, the book uses step-by-step instructions to teach the basics of DirectX 10, introducing skills that can be applied to creating games for both PC and game console platforms. You ll start by learning how to install the DirectX SDK and how to get your first application up and running. From there you ll be introduced to the 2D and 3D graphics components of DirectX allowing you to draw animated sprites and create 3D objects. Put your new skills to the test with a final, hands-on project that shows how to bring together everything you ve learned. If you have a basic knowledge of C++ and 3D math concepts then you are ready to learn how to program amazing 3D game graphics with "Beginning DirectX 10!"
Platform: | Size: 1402880 | Author: mayaz | Hits:


Description: directx 2d 编程 用精灵实现的一个2D程序-directx 2d programming implemented with a 2D program Elf
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: wanglei | Hits:


Description: Game Contra 2D using directX 9.0 and C-Game Contra 2D using directX 9.0 and C++
Platform: | Size: 399360 | Author: minh | Hits:

[2D GraphicDirectX-Video-Rendering-in-Cp2bp2b

Description: Directx 2D Visual C++例子-Directx 2D Visual C
Platform: | Size: 9875456 | Author: maoguangjian | Hits:
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